Mission, vision and values

At Woord en Daad, we are driven by hope- not merely because we recognise opportunities amidst challenges, but because our deep personal and organisational motivation is rooted in the Biblical vision of God’s coming Kingdom.


In a broken world marked by poverty and injustice, Woord en Daad is committed to making the signs of God’s coming Kingdom visible. Everyday, we are inspired by Christian principles of justice and compassion to contribute to sustainable change that benefits all people.


Woord en Daad strives to connect people, communities, schools & educational centres, entrepreneurs, social institutions, local and national governments, and NGO’s worldwide in their collective efforts to overcome poverty and realise a dignified life for every individual.


Our mission, vision, and strategy are guided by five core values that influence our decisions and shape our policies:

  1. Co-responsibility – Embracing responsibility for ourselves, our neighbours and God’s creation
  2. Fellow-creature – Recognising every person as a creature of God, equal and unique
  3. Compassion – Standing close to and coming alongside those who suffer
  4. Stewardship – Caring for human beings, resources and the environment with diligence
  5. Interdependence – Valuing independence in choices, while relying on collaboration