In our catalyst role towards the Christian community we aim to touch hearts and raise compassion with the needs of the world’s poor. Our shared values of justice and stewardship will be the basis for engagement.

We communicate the complexity of our work and shed light on the effects of their lifestyle on lives far away. We aim to equip and mobilise supporters to make different lifestyle choices and feel fully part of the work of Woord en Daad. Among the broader Woord en Daad community, we target specifically children, students and women. We will use different channels for our campaigns including written and social media, events and engagements with groups in schools.

Our campaigns will focus on effects of climate change on Southern nations, migration, circular economy and fair clothing. We will seek to partner with other organizations around these campaign themes. We choose to bring honest stories in a positive tone and will explicitly relate to the target groups in our programs: their stories must be told and function as starting point in every campaign. For the coming years we will invest in a methodology for measuring effects of our campaigns to help us learn and improve our work.

Without the commitment and generosity of our donors, Woord en Daad would not be able to fulfill its tasks. If you want to know more, please get in touch.

Contact us Office Woord en Daad