Community Dialogue on Values-Based Inclusive Education and Collaborative Workshops between Teachers and Other Education Stakeholders
Through community dialogues, 691 actors (331 men and 360 women from all the categories of communities in eight target villages) , were involved in the promotion of fundamental values for inclusive education. As for the collaborative workshops between teachers and other education actors held in the same municipalities, they mobilized 41 actors (mayors, SE, PAM, DAM, RDLP, Education Focal Points, GUPs , C / CS, CP, CA, religious leaders, representatives of children’s government departments, school directors). This included 35 men and six women who improved their knowledge on inclusive education and its challenges. All those involved appreciated the specific solution approaches and identified their roles and responsibilities for the success of the PLE in their environments.
Training of Directors, Educational Advisors, School District Heads, Parents’ Associations, Village Heads (CV), District Heads (CA) of schools, villages, districts and target municipalities of Mono on the development of their school development plans based on EQF standards and inclusion
A total of 70 actors (59 men and 11 women) completed training to contribute to the development of schools in a community approach that mobilizes local actors.
Phase 2 of the training of Mono teachers on pedagogical and educational practices in school inclusion
In total, 60 teachers (53 men and 7 women) were equipped to get into step with the same level as those trained last April. This makes it possible to properly prepare for the start of the school year in the PLE schools of the Mono departments.
Thematic conference on advocacy for inclusive education
As the 2024-2025 school year approached, departmental directors of nursery and primary education, heads of school districts, inspectors, educational advisors, parents of students and civil actors from umbrella organizations were involved in different departments (Donga, Borgou and Ouémé Plateau) to reflect and make commitments aimed at implementing inclusive practices at the school level. This activity, led by the CBO-EPT with the support of members of the DEDRAS and UPAO consortium, brought together more than 185 educational actors at national level who will be drivers of change in schools at community level from this school year. With this, the consortium and public actors as well as all the educational actors are looking forward to a good start for this school year which started on Monday, September 17.