Brainstorming workshop

The Government of Burkina Faso, through the Ministry of Basic Education and the Promotion of National Languages (MEBAPLN), has authorized the start of the pilot phase of e-coaching, which is component 2 of the Project with a Strong Systemic Impact, Sensitive to Gender and Inclusion (PISGI). From March 10 to 12, 2025, a brainstorming workshop was held for this purpose in Ouagadougou. Thirty participants, including eight women, mainly from the Ministry of Education and partner organizations, were brought together.

E-Pedagogical Supervision System

The E-Pedagogical Supervision is a digital device that allows educational supervisors and inspectors to monitor and supervise teachers in the classroom online and live. It meets the needs of pedagogical supervision and in-service training of teachers by inspectors, who are nevertheless unable to ensure the annual average of one classroom visit per teacher. This is due to two factors: the lack of logistical resources to cover distances and the context of security emergency.

Three guidelines have been drawn up for the successful implementation of the E-Pedagogical Supervision System

1. Acquisition of digital kits
For the implementation of the system, the amount is 1,630,000 FCFA for a CEB (administrative management of around 100 schools) and 1,015,000 FCFA for an educational establishment. The pilot phase will involve 5 CEBs, 15 schools, 10 teachers per establishment and 35 educational supervisors.

2. Implementation strategy
The strategy takes into account the criteria of rurality, semi-urbanity and urbanity, while considering the secure regions, those with moderate security challenges and those with strong security challenges according to an established map.

3. Roles and responsibilities
The Directorate of Primary Education Quality will ensure the sensitization of the social partners, the National Institute for the Training of Education Staff will prepare the student teachers, the Department of Initial and Continuing Training will train the trainers, the IT Department will be responsible for the acquisition and maintenance of the systems, and the Department of Legal Affairs and Litigation will deal with legal issues.

A PMEL strategy has also been defined in points:

1. Communication and institutionalization
Wide-scale administrative communication on the existence of the files to enable educational supervisors to integrate this development. Introduction of the use of the files and e-supervision as sub-themes during the training of actors.

2. Data collection via ICT tools
Configuration of the Faso e-education platform for direct data collection, defining the relevant variables. The PMEL team will work with the ministry to design a suitable tool.

3. Field data collection
Alternative consisting of collecting data in the field through the administration, defining variables such as the teacher’s gender, the nature of the sheet, the regularity of preparation, mastery of the methodological approach and reduction of the workload.

Digital sheets

As a reminder, phase 1 of PISGI, implemented in 2024, enabled the digitization of 2,281 teaching sheets, including 1,666 sheets implemented in October 2024 on the platform for the preparation of courses at four primary school levels. Between October 2024 and March 2025, 44,190 downloads were made, demonstrating the enthusiasm of teachers.