For many years, he led our partner organization, CREDO. He also played an important role in SPONG, a national platform for development organizations. He was a man of vision. Through the Vision Afrique network, he sought to reconnect all those who had once left Africa. He encouraged young people from the diaspora to continue caring for the country where they were born. He also served his country as the chairman of the Economic and Social Council of Burkina Faso.

With Moïse Napon, there was an equal partnership. He approached us constructively and critically. He was one of the frontrunners in our partner network, always looking for new ways to reach the poor. In this way, we were able to work together for sustainable change for the most vulnerable people in Burkina Faso and the Sahel region.

Moïse Napon was a man of faith. Wherever he went, he testified to the love and hope that lived within him. In Christ, he passed away.