The Employment and Training program seeks to contribute, in collaboration with relevant sector players, to full, productive and dignified (self-)employment for the youth workforce in low- and middle-income countries. The program contributes mainly to SDG 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Our target group are un- or underemployed young women and men (15-35) in low- and middle-income countries. Job Booster aims at connecting job seekers with employers and matching training but will put more emphasis on influencing the entire employment sector. In one way by working towards financially sustainable entities brokering employment and self-employment and additionally by working towards a sustainable cooperation of public and private employment organizations for a more inclusive labour market. To make our programming more inclusive we will target at least equal numbers of young men and women, and specific interest groups will be engaged such as organizations representing disabled persons, or for minority groups to contribute to the dialogue towards an inclusive labour market. AgriJob Booster interventions in West Africa will have a specific focus on climate resilient employment in the agricultural sector.
The direct focus on technical and vocational education and training (TVET) centres we have had for years will be shifted towards a broader view on decent employment and an inclusive labour market towards 2025. We will support TVET centres towards increased quality, financial sustainability, connection to Job Booster programs or other relevant networks and new initiatives in our Education program.
Impact of Job Booster 2023

Work for a better future
The Employment and Training program focusses on an integrated approach to employment. Because a job gives self-esteem, income and hope for a better future.
- Vocational training for young people in growth sectors
- Local demand for employees is leading
- Life skills and Christian education in the program
- Job placement and coaching to a job